Phone numbers: (4912) 97-18-92 , (4912) 97-18-33
Dean: Oskin Dmitry Nikolaevich |
Working hours:
- Monday – Friday: from 15-00 to 18-00
- Saturday: from 11-30 to 14-30
The faculty was founded in 1966 because the Ryazan region lacked in pharmacists.
The faculty trains specialists who work in pharmacies and at pharmacy industries. Graduates of the faculty can develop, test and register medicine, solve medicine production problems and carry out quality control.
Full-time education takes 5 years. Beginning with the 3rd year students start learning specialized subjects such as pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical engineering, pharmacy management, pharmacognosy, medical and pharmaceutical merchandizing etc.
Students of the faculty are members of various scientific clubs and participate actively in sport and cultural events of the University.