This year graduation Nicholas Chiagozie Kyrean shares his thoughts about studying in RyazSMU:

- I chose medicine because it has always been my dream to be a doctor, not just any but one with a difference.

RyazSMU came recommend by friends who studied here, or were studying here at the moment. They sang the praise of the university's academic excellence, conducive learning and living environment, attentive and concerned school authorities and also enthusiastic and friendly counterparts and colleagues.

RyazSMU has given me the best experience of my life. I have had the most fun, made the best of friends, had thrilling experiences, been exposed to so many opportunities and most importantly, I have been impacted with so much knowledge by the most kindhearted, patient and dedicated lecturers, Doctors and professors.

My recommendation for those coming, have an open mind and a very high expectation. It will be an experience to remember. Consult with your seniors and school authorities for any questions or information, prepare for, and attend classes, interact and associate with others and keep warm during the winter season!
